Legal notice
The website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) is owned by iBP-Tech Ltd, headquarters in Finland, Hulkontie 20, 54800 Savitaipale, Finland, business ID 2751077-2.
iBP-Tech Ltd retains the right to edit at any time and without notice the content of the website. iBP-Tech Ltd aims at ensuring the accuracy of all information available on the site however it may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical errors or be incomplete. Thus, iBP-Tech Ltd cannot be held responsible for the decisions made based on information contained on the site. Interested party must check with the general contact of iBP-Tech Ltd the specifications and availability of product and services for the specific user. iBP-Tech Ltd is not liable for any personal injury or damage to property associated with the website usage.
All action sports are extreme activities which may result in serious injury. iBP components are designed to protect body from impacts, offer comfort and high performance. However, no product offers absolute protection against injury or damage of any kind. Sportsmen must be familiarized with the activity, understand own abilities and limitations of the equipment. Users must acknowledge risks involved in their activities and make decisions on whether the risks should be taken.